Friday, December 10, 2010

Its time. Please send a holiday greeting to your legislator!

We are one month away from the start of the 2011 legislative session. We need advocates to educate their legislators about why we care about arts and heritage in our region.

Send your senator and representatives a holiday greeting – tell them why arts and heritage is important to you and urge them to support legislation that supports continued funding for 4Culture. No need to write a novel, just write a few sentences will do the trick!

Follow the link below. You'll travel to the State's website where you can type in your street address and then you'll be taken to a map with the names of the three legislators that represent you. Click on their names and you'll find all of their contact information. CLICK HERE TO FIND MY LEGISLATORS

Happy Holidays to all of our fellow advocates!

1 comment:


    Ross Hunter heads House Ways & Means
