*Attention devoted advocates*
Today, in just 2 hours, brings the hearing of SB 5958, which would save 4Culture. We believe that a strategic and very polite outreach to specific members of the State Senate is important immediately.
Following are the names, numbers and emails for select members of the Senate Committee for Government Operations, Tribal Relations and Elections. Please call or email each with a polite message of encouragement for SB 5958 and thank them for their consideration.
You can email or call TODAY with this subject and message, or make up your own:
SUBJECT: I'm for SB 5958
"I know that this session has been long and difficult, and I thank you for your service to our State. I'm contacting you to encourage you to consider SB 5958 favorably in hearing today. SB 5958 will provde crucial support for arts and culture, which will create jobs and help drive our region's recovery. As a part of the Advocate4Culture Coalition, I ask you to please consider SB 5958 favorably today, and vote for its passage. Thank you for your work."
If you're emailing, you can just put all these email addresses into a single BCC line, and click send:
craig.pridemore@leg.wa.gov, margarita.prentice@leg.wa.gov, maralyn.chase@leg.wa.gov, sharon.nelson@leg.wa.gov, pam.roach@leg.wa.gov
Below are the names and contact information. Please keep all your contact with these people polite and upbeat. They really are working hard.
Thank you so much, friends and advocates. You are saving 4Culture, and we will all need to work together to get this done.
Pridemore, Craig (D) Chair, craig.pridemore@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7696
Prentice, Margarita (D) Vice Chair, margarita.prentice@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7616
Chase, Maralyn (D), maralyn.chase@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7662
Nelson, Sharon (D), sharon.nelson@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7667
Roach, Pam (R), pam.roach@leg.wa.gov, (360) 786-7660
Also - lodging tax bills will be discussed on KUOW's The Conversation at 12:40 today! Listen and/or call in and advocate for the importance of arts/heritage to local tourism/economy/jobs!